Silver has been considered to be a valuable precious metal worth investing in and has been mined for five thousand years or more. Geologists found that for every ounce of gold in the earth’s crust, there are 17 ounces of silver. Yet, the price parity between gold and silver is altogether different and currently stands at approximately 85:1. That means it takes nearly 75 ounces of silver to buy a single ounce of gold. While this may seem like the scales are tipping in favour of gold, in reality, it’s one of the reasons that silver appears attractive to investors who want to invest in precious metals but have limited funds to do so. So, if you think that adding silver to your investment portfolio is a good idea, then read on.
Silver prices have seen their ups and downs over time
Determining the price of silver
The price at which silver is bought or sold is called the “spot price.” Since this precious metal is traded round the clock on every major market exchange around the world, a ‘live’ price of silver is always available. The centres of silver trade today are in London and the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYME). The NYME has a division called COMEX and the spot price is determined by COMEX.
What else do I need to know…
There are two prices to consider when purchasing silver – bid price and the ask price. The bid price reflects the highest offer and the lowest offer is the ask price. However, in markets today, real supply and demand aren’t required to affect the spot price. Shifts in global currency values, rising and falling interest rates and inflation levels all have their influences on the price of silver.
Looking back over the last 20 years
Today silver is trading around the $17.00 per ounce mark. Yet, in 2010, not so long ago, the price of silver was $30.60 per ounce. When we see the cycle of movement in spot prices of silver, we can see 5-year swings that go up or down. The price of silver per ounce doubled during the period 2006-2010.
Silver appears to be hovering around the $17 an oz mark over the last two years
A close look at the chart below tells us the story of silver prices over the last 15 years since 2002. It is apparent from the chart that silver has clearly had more good years than bad. Infact, it was only 2013 – 2015 that silver took a beating and closed lower than it’s previous years percentage annual change in prices. We can see this trend repeat consecutively over these three years. The greatest fall year in 15 years is 2013, where silver fell a whopping 35.9%, followed by annual falls of 19.6% and 11.5% over 2014 and 2015 respectively. The two other years of decline were 2008 and 2011. 2008 was, of course, the great global market crash with the financial crisis spreading rapidly across the world. 2011 registered a fall of 10.2%, owing to a market correction. The previous year had seen US investors investing heavily in gold and silver to hedge against the rapid fall in the dollar’s buying power. So, when they dumped their positions in precious metals the following year, the prices crashed. In fact, when we correlate by looking at the chart below, we see that the price of silver rose in 2010 by 83%, the single highest rise in 15 years.
Interestingly, the fall in prices in 2013 saw a surge in fabrication and coin demand. Global demand for silver coins went up to 136 mn ounces in 2013, compared to 105.9 mn in 2012, while fabrication demand rose 6.3% to 865.8 mn ounces in 2013. In summary, silver prices have been through 11 good years over the last 16 years and risen at an average of 12.4% over this period. It remains a great choice as an asset class when included within a diversified portfolio with a long-term view.
Silver prices have seen 11 good years and 5 bad years over the last 16 yearsGet in touch with us to discuss your investments
If you’re considering adding silver to your investment portfolio, you can benefit hugely from a wide range of advice that’s available on our website. Our gold and silver buying guide can guide you on how to invest in silver bullion. You can also find out the latest industry news, read articles from experts and find out more about the history of this precious metal.
Watch our video, which answers a frequently asked investor question – “Should I invest in gold or silver?”
Maybe you’re interested in investing in precious metals as part of your investment portfolio. Or perhaps you’re a gold and silver coin enthusiast, or just someone who’s curious about precious metals and wants to know a bit more. Well, you’ve come to the right place. Our team of experts can guide you through your purchases in our online shop. If you just need to speak to us, we’re a phone call away. Simply dial 020 7060 9992 or email us right here.
Precious metals must always remain a serious contender as an asset class in a diversified investment portfolio. Of course, the two most popular precious metals investors prefer are gold and silver. But what’s the upside in choosing one over the other? What’s the difference between the two metals other than their prices? When buying gold, investors need to be aware of a number of factors that can help them make an informed choice during purchase. Sometimes it’s important to understand the flow of the market and diversify into silver for a while. In this article, we look at the pros and cons of investing in gold and silver.
Gold represents safety for many investors across the world.
Whenever financial markets are at risk, or there is political turmoil in a certain geographic area, or the US dollar falls against the Euro, investors will choose gold to hedge their risk and insulate themselves from the crisis at hand.
Gold is considered by many investors to be a stable, dependable asset class that accrues steadily over the long term. It has low volatility and while it does not generate high returns in the short run, the risks attached to it are also very low.
Since gold and silver are mined, supply and demand will have an impact on its spot price. In reality, though, the COMEX spot price of both gold and silver is impacted very little by supply and demand. However, the high barriers associated with mining and sourcing gold and silver ensures that new supply is limited and both asset classes remain stable.
Buying and selling gold is easy and investors can test the gold content of coins at the time of purchase.
Gold has an intrinsic ‘desire’ value in humans and many investors like to possess gold.
Since the asset is held in physical form, it is not at risk of being hacked, unlike assets held in an electronic exchange.
Investing in gold – cons
Investing in gold coins can be fraught with issues as specialist knowledge of old and rare coins may be required to verify the actual value of the investment.
The gold coins industry is controlled by dealers who often charge premium prices and fees in excess of the real value of the gold used to make the coins.
Once an investor has made a substantial investment in gold coins or bars, this needs to be stored securely and insured, both of which can be expensive.
Gold and silver are two distinct choices for investment, when building a portfolio
Investing in silver – pros
Diversification is an extremely important factor to be considered when building a robust investment portfolio. Overexposure to any one asset class can open the investor up to undue risk. With this philosophy in mind, investment in silver is a healthy alternative to gold.
When we analyse 15 years of historic data related to spot prices of silver, we realise that silver has performed well and showed a healthy increase in price in most years. Silver prices posted positive growth in 11 years and crashed in 5 years from 2002 to 2017.
Since silver prices are more volatile than gold, as an asset class, it has the capability to generate quick returns, if it is bought at the right price point and sold off at a lucrative peak. For example, in 2010 silver prices grew by 83% as US investors chose to hedge their risks by investing in metals to escape the volatility of the global currency markets.
Investing in silver – cons
Due to volatility in silver prices, taking possession of the physical asset, storing it and again selling it at the right price can be cumbersome.
The rise of silver prices is dependent on a strong economy. However, during an economic boom, there would be better alternatives for investment and silver may not be the asset class of choice to deliver the best returns.
Contact us for the best advice in buying silver or gold
Mike Maloney says in his book – guide to investing in gold and silver,
“Of all the elements, silver is the indispensable metal. It is the most electronically conducive, thermally conductive, and reflective. Modern life, as we know it, would not exist without silver.”
For the right advice on investing in precious metals, look no further. Call our team of specialists on 020 7060 9992 or send an email and let our experts help you make the right investment decision for gold and silver.
One of the many reasons a lot of people are keen to invest in silver is that it offers certain tax advantages over other investments. Silver like many other commodities is subject to Capital Gains Tax here in the UK, however, there are ways around this which we will talk about in the following article.
What is Capital Gains Tax?
Capital Gains Tax (CGT) is a tax imposed by the government on any item you sell and have made a profit on. CGT applies to nearly all assets, whether it’s precious metals, property, stocks or shares. Most people who invest in silver won’t have to worry about ever paying CGT as you are tax exempt up to a value of £11,300 each financial year. This figure also doesn’t include your original outlay so for example, if you bought £25,000 worth of silver and sold it for £35,000, you would have only made a profit of £10,000 and therefore would not need to pay CGT.
CGT also applies to any assets that you’ve disposed of in the current year. For example, if you’ve given away an asset or swapped it from something else then you may have to pay CGT. Insurance payouts for assets that have been lost or stolen are also subject to CGT.
Avoid CGT by purchasing silver
Why invest in silver?
If you’re currently in a high tax bracket, you might pay less CGT on gold and silver as they are only taxed for capital gains tax purposes at the marginal rate of 28%. Even if an investor is in the 33%, 35% and 39.6% tax brackets the marginal rate of 28% only will apply.
Certain bullion coins are also exempt from CGT tax altogether in the UK. All coins produced by the Royal Mint and classed as British legal currency are exempt from Capital Gains Tax. This includes all silver Britannia coins and post-1837 sovereign coins. You can, therefore, make an unlimited tax-free profit on any of these coins.
Canadian Silver Dollars
Purchasing silver from Physical Gold
Here at Physical Gold, we offer the chance for UK buyers to buy our silver coins and silver bars whilst delivering them straight to your door. We are able to offer this opportunity through careful sourcing of our coins and bars which allows us to exploit certain tax advantages in the EU. As UK silver coins are legal tender they are also exempt from CGT, so you can buy Silver Britannia’s from us without paying any tax at all! Please call 020 7060 9992 for more information.
Historically silver has always been a popular method of wealth preservation. Along with other precious metals such as gold and platinum, it has long been admired for its many different properties and today silver is considered one of the most useful metals on the planet. Silver can be found across many different applications from jewellery, silverware and coins to electronic devices and solar panelling. New uses for the metal are being found all the time and current demand for silver is significantly outweighing supply. Here are 7 reasons why we think everyone should consider owning silver.
Unlike stocks and shares or even paper money, silver is a physical asset that will always be worth its weight in material value. Holding on to hard assets such as silver and gold can also offer vital protection against inflation or potential economic downfall. As a greater percentage of our wealth becomes digitised, having some form of tangible assets becomes even more important.
2) It’s relatively affordable
Compared to other precious metals such as gold and platinum, silver represents a far more affordable option for most people. You can currently get around 75 ounces of silver for the equivalent value of an ounce of gold. For someone who can’t afford to buy gold but still wants the protection afforded them by hard assets, silver is a very attractive purchase.
American Eagle Silver Bullion Coins
3) More opportunities to buy and sell at a profit
The fact that silver is so widely used in modern industry makes it much more sensitive to changes in the market than some other precious metals. Whilst on one level this would suggest silver is a riskier investment, it also offers a great deal more opportunities to buy and sell at a profit. The fact that silver has retained its purchasing power over long periods of time means that even when the price is low, there is a strong chance it will rise again.
4) It’s a finite resource
Like any other precious metal, silver is a finite resource which means that one day we could potentially run out of it. Due to the fact that a lot of silver is used for industrial purposes, much of it isn’t recycled in the same way gold is and a lot of it is just discarded. Whilst this won’t affect the value of silver in the near future, the fact that we are using a lot more than we are producing means that supply might eventually become limited.
5) Growing industrial demand
Whilst most people think of silver as being a decorative metal, there has recently been a massive increase in the amount of silver being used for industrial purposes. Advances in technology have led to a variety of new applications requiring the use of silver and industrial demand for the metal is predicted to rise by 27% in 2018. This is partly down to a huge growth in demand in China where the explosion of the solar energy industry has led to an increased need for silver. Additionally, cloud seeding is increasingly used to stimulate rainfall in water starved landscapes, one of the main chemicals needed in this process is silver nitrate.
5000-gram bars of silver bullion
6) Silver reserves are struggling to keep up with demand
Several years ago, a massive crash in the silver market meant that mines had to cut costs significantly in order to stay profitable. With the cost of mining and extracting precious metals becoming costlier, it has become difficult for many of the mines to keep up with production. The irony of the matter is that since demand for silver has begun to rise, these mines are no longer able to produce enough silver to keep up with demand. If this trend continues then some experts predict we could run out of silver in a matter of decades.
7) There is no substitute for silver
Due to silver’s incredibly long list of beneficial properties, there are currently no substitute materials that could be used in its place should silver reserves ever run out. Silver is a very strong and malleable metal. It is also one of the best-known conductors of heat, light and electricity. As more uses for silver are being discovered, we have found ourselves relying heavily on this metal for all kinds of different things. For example, it is a little-known fact that silver is also very highly regarded within the medicinal industry. Due to it’s amazing anti-microbial properties it is often used in medical equipment as well as being used to purify water.
Do you need advice on owning silver?
If you would like to hear more about the potential benefits of owning silver, or perhaps you need some advice then give us a call? Please speak to one of our friendly advisers on 020 7060 9992
Silver is a precious metal with varied uses including making mirrors, in digital photography, in medicine, making jewellery, in currency, for storage of wealth and more. Here, we explore the top 10 countries that produce silver across the world.
10. Canada
Canada has several silver mining companies, and British Columbia
is home to large silver deposits that are yet to be mined. Despite that, Canada extracts a larger percentage of its top-notch silver from different polymetallic veins that don’t yield a lot of silver. Canada recorded a rise in silver production from 493 to 500 metric tonnes in 2015.
9. United States
Since 1858, the United States has been producing silver. Today, Alaska and Nevada are the two-leading silver-producing states in the United States. In 2015, the country produced 1,090 metric tonnes of silver, mainly from three of its dedicated silver mines and about 40 other precious metal mining operations across the country. In 2016, the United States produced 1,100 metric tonnes. The largest silver producer in the US is Coeur Mining. While Coeur’s projects are not focused on silver, it operates silver mines in Australia and South America.
1,090 metric tonnes of silver were produced in the United States in 2015
8. Bolivia
The silver output of Bolivia remained steady at 1,300 metric tonnes between 2015 and 2016, although there is still room for expansion of the country’s silver industry. Bolivia has several silver mines, especially in the Potosi region. Besides, the San Cristobal mine is the third largest silver reserve of any mine globally and is operated by Sumitomo.
7. Poland
In 2016, Poland’s output was 1,400 metric tonnes, matching Australia’s output. This was an increase of 220 metric tonnes from 2015. Poland based silver producing company, Polka Meidsz, is one of the world’s leading silver producers. A survey by the Silver Institute of Poland shows that the country can raise its production capacity by expanding its mining companies.
6. Russia
Russia’s output sunk to 1,400 MT in 2016 from 1,430 MT in 2015. Although Russia’s silver reserves are not known, it has been among the top producers of silver for years. Polymetal International is Russia’s largest silver producer. The company dominates silver mining across Russia and operates four of the top five silver mines in the country. In 2016, Polymetal generated 7 million ounces – a 3 percent drop from 2015.
5. Australia
In 2016, Australia’s mines churned out 1,400 metric tonnes of silver, which was a slight drop from 1,430 metric tonnes in 2015. That drop positioned Australia as the fifth-largest producer of silver in the world. Despite that, Australia has a rich history of silver mining, which dates back to the 1920s when BHP Billiton started there as a silver operation. To this day, BHP Billiton a huge mining company with outlets dotted in different countries. It is Australia’s largest silver producer and operates Queensland’s Cannington mine, which leads in silver production than any other mine in Australia.
4. Chile
Chile takes the fourth position; it produced 1,500 metric tonnes in 2016 up from 1,380 metric tonnes in 2015. That rise catapulted Chile from the fifth to the fourth largest producer of silver in the world. In the next three years, Chile’s government has decided to raise production by creating new strategies and rolling out extraction plans that would be more cost effective and energy efficient.
Learn about investment jargon in our video – “Gold & silver investment jargon explained”
3. China
China took the fourth position in terms of silver production back in 2002, and it earned the title: “solid mid-tier producer of silver.” Ever since China’s production has gradually increased placing it in the third position of top silver producers in the world. China produced 3,600 metric tonnes of silver in 2016. A large percentage of China’s development can be attributed to its other mining operations – in 2012, almost 95 percent of China’s silver production resulted from other mining projects.
Other than being the second-largest producer of silver, with an output of 4,100 metric tonnes in 2016, Peru has some of the largest silver reserves in the world. With about 120,000 known metric tonnes of silver, Peru has a colossal potential of untapped silver that could see it climb the global rankings in future.
Most of Peru’s silver originates from the Antamina mine situated in Northern Peru. This mine is jointly owned by BHP Billiton, Glencore, Mitsubishi, and Teck Resources. Whilst this mine generates more silver than other mines in Peru, it is mainly a copper mine. Silver is, therefore, a by-product of the copper mining process.
Fortuna Silver Mines is a fast-growing company in silver production and has two operating mines, one located in Peru. In 2016, the company reported 7,380,217 ounces of silver production.
1. Mexico
Mexico is the leading silver producing country in the world and has maintained this position for 7 consecutive years. In 2016, its output shot to 5,600 metric tonnes. This was up by 230 metric tonnes from 2015. Fresnillo, the world’s most productive silver companies are located in Mexico. Fresnillo extracts gold and silver at six mines in Mexico and has many other projects at different phases of development. By the end of June 2017, Mexico had produced 28.04 million ounces of silver, which is an 11 percent increment from what it produced in the first half of 2016.
Mexico is the leading producer of silver in the world
Goldcorp is another massive silver producer in Mexico and Penasquito is its mine. In 2013, Penasquito produced the highest amount of silver in the world. Like most of the other silver mines, Penasquito mainly produces gold, and silver is often one of the by-products.
Want to Buy Silver?
Are you looking for a reliable silver seller? Contact us today by filling a contact form or call us directly on 020 7060 9992, we sell a range of silver including bars as well as collectable investment coins.
While there are many legitimate gold and silver sellers online, there are also scammers who work around the clock to steal your hard-earned cash. And social media is one of the places even moderately savvy investors can risk falling for these predators. Instead of choosing reputable gold and silver dealers, people may opt to buy through social media for convenience and other reasons. Here, we explore some of the risks associated with the buying of gold and silver on social media.
There is a great risk involved in buying gold and silver through social media
Inadequate details about the dealer
Most of the gold and silver dealers on social media do not provide detailed information to help buyers make a proper decision. Before making such an investment, buyers may want to know the years of experience of the seller, their location, the quantity of gold available, pricing, the business telephone number and more.
You can find these details on a business website, but you won’t find all of them on social media. This makes it hard to trust whoever is selling the silver or gold. If one proceeds to buy these products without such information, they may end up receiving counterfeit gold or silver or even be sold at exorbitant prices.
Every online shopper prefers to check out what other customers are saying about a particular product or company before making a purchase. Scammers know this, and may usually seed sites like Facebook and Twitter with legitimate sounding reviews to hoodwink new customers. The result is buyers may follow such fake reviews and end up buying non-genuine silver or gold through social media.
Storage is not guaranteed
While reputable gold dealers with business websites will provide a way to deliver the gold physically or store it in an insured storage facility, this may not always be the guarantee from social media-based gold dealers. Most online fraudulent dealers may promise to store your gold onsite without providing any proof of purchase. Therefore, even if buyers purchase gold from these dealers, they are not assured of its safety, not to mention arrival.
Reputable dealers have safe gold storage facilities
Limited expertise
New gold and silver investors have a plethora of questions that they want answered before they make any purchase. Trustworthy dealers have a team of professionals who are savvy in these investments and will gladly respond to questions from investors. However, this may not be the case when it comes to those social media sellers.
For the most part, it may be one or two people trying hard to sell the gold bars or coins. If investors rush into taking their offers without having someone to answer their questions, it may be hard to have a satisfactory transaction in many ways including pricing, storage, delivery and even legitimacy.
Buy gold and silver from trustworthy dealers
As you can see, buying gold and silver through social media is associated with risks that everyone wants to avoid. So, why not buy your silver or gold from a reputable company with industry experts who can answer any questions related to pricing, delivery, authenticity, storage, and more?
If you would like to buy or sell gold or silver, call us on 020 7060 9992. You can also leave a message on our contact form to start a productive discussion.
With so much talk about gold as a valuable investment commodity, we often forget about another precious metal that has proven its worth in the same markets. That metal is silver and the demand for it, as an investment and as an industrial material, is increasing more and more. From jewellery to smartphones, solar panels, solders and more, silver is becoming the rising star of many global markets. Many investors are even adding silver bars and silver coins to their investment portfolios.
So, just what are the factors causing the renewed interest and increased value of silver? With the continued shift towards smaller mobile devices and the growth of smartphones in developing countries, silver is becoming more widely used throughout the electronics industry.
As technology develops and more uses for silver are discovered, more silver will be needed in
the manufacturing process. According to data compiled by GFMS for the Washington-based Silver Institute, almost half of global silver consumption came from uses such as mobile phones, flat-panel TVs, solar panels and alloys and solders in 2016. This number is expected to increase as the need for more advanced electronics are developed, propelling silver demand skywards.
Silver Supply
Another factor that is contributing to the increased value of silver is the limited supply and the fact that we could possibly see a silver shortage soon. Above ground silver supplies are expected to plateau and there’s a shortfall of mined silver available. Pit these against the physical demand for silver and it’s possible we’ll see prices begin to skyrocket very soon.
But will these high silver prices remain constant, or will silver become as volatile as gold? Historically, silver has always remained a consistently valued precious metal for investors. As demand increases and prices rise, it’s expected to stay that way for the long term with little to no loss.
Are you looking to add silver to your investment portfolio? Contact Physical Gold today and let one of our team help you understand why silver could be the next gold.
This ultimate insider’s guide will;
Reveal how to profit from gold and silver without paying any tax
Uncover the real benefits of precious metals in today’s volatile market
Share 4 investment opportunities to suit everyone’s needs
Gold Monthly Saver
Our Monthly Saver is a new way of looking at your saving needs. With interest rates at record lows, sticking to what you’ve always done and saving with your bank or in an ISA, will provide almost no returns at all. When you factor in inflation, your hard earned money is actually losing value. In today’s uncertain world, building a nest egg for unexpected events is more crucial than ever. So is the time now right to consider something different – saving with gold!?
This guide will help you;
Make your savings work harder, with no VAT and no CGT
Make regular, easy monthly payments, from as little as £250
Consider a tax-efficient alternative to an ISA or bank savings
Cost average gold
This means you can make significant savings, on any gains, given the current rate of VAT.
Video Transcript:
Gold and silver are renowned for offering balance and portfolio protection, but did you know that you can invest in relatively modest amounts, on a regular basis? specialise in offering a monthly scheme to invest in real, solid, tax-efficient gold & silver coins.
Saving with gold or silver is safe, secure and has historically delivered great returns. And you can start saving regularly with us, from as little as £150 per month for silver or £250 for gold.
The gold and silver coins in our Monthly Saver are free from both UK V-A-T and Capital Gains Tax... A significant saving for savvy investors.
With interest rates still low, the returns on gold & silver may prove to be a better option than high street banks. And saving with us is just as easy, and flexible, as a regular savings account or ISA.
We also realise things can change. So, if you need to stop saving for any reason, just let us know. Then, when you’re ready to start again, simply give us a call. It couldn’t be easier.
So, if you’re tired of low returns in the bank, why not be more tax-efficient & start saving in gold or silver. – helping you build a tax-efficient nest egg for your future.
Throughout history, gold ownership has been perceived as an elitist privilege for those with huge wealth.
It’s been depicted in films as huge 400oz bars worth hundreds of thousands of pounds and its association with rich sheikhs, kings and central banks makes it seem out of reach for us regular people. But actually, gold and silver can be bought in very modest quantities and can provide the same stability and wealth protection for you and I, as it does for the rich.
Who’s buying it now?
The past decade has experienced a huge evolution, as we live in an ever-increasing globalised economy. And whilst this has presented many opportunities, it also poses new risks.
In a bid to protect and balance, institutions such as hedge funds, pension funds and wealth managers are now joining banks, in adding gold and silver to their holdings. The unstable political and economic landscape, in which we now live, requires new thinking to protect our family’s wealth. Traditionally a prudent investor would spread their money between stocks, bonds, property and cash in the bank, but we know now that those alone are not enough. In fact, many people are now choosing gold investment over property as a more tax efficient tangible asset.
We’re seeing record numbers of individuals adding precious metals to their holdings, as global threats affect us all, and everyone is entitled to protect their wealth. We all have other insurances such as car and home protection, so why not also have portfolio insurance in the shape of gold and silver? Gold isn’t just for the super wealthy.
How accessible are gold and silver?
It’s incredibly easy to purchase precious metals. There are now a large number of companies selling gold and silver in various shapes and forms. Research is readily available at the tap of a button, to enable informed decision making. Gold’s rapid acquisition amongst the masses, means there’s also very strong selling opportunities. Certainly, if you select a reputable dealer, they’ll be able to provide guidance, purchase gold and silver for you at competitive rates and buy it back from you in the future.
How much wealth do I need to get started?
Despite the elitist image projected in films, precious metals can also be bought in the form of coins and small bars. Most dealers will help if you just want to start with one small coin, so you certainly don’t need to invest everything you have. We even provide a Monthly Saver
account, where you can gradually accumulate gold or silver coins on a regular basis.
Regardless of the size of your overall assets, experts suggest between 5% and 20% should be in gold and silver to provide balance. In India, people have been saving with gold for years as a means of protecting against a weak currency. Only now are the UK starting to realise its merits and understand that we’re all entitled to balance and protection, regardless of our level of wealth.
Gold Information
Live Gold Spot Price in Sterling.
Gold is one of the densest of all metals. It is a good conductor of heat and electricity. It is also soft and the most malleable and ductile of the elements; an ounce (31.1 grams; gold is weighed in troy ounces) can be beaten out to 187 square feet (about 17 square metres) in extremely thin sheets called gold leaf.
Silver Information
Live Silver Spot Price in Sterling.
Silver (Ag), chemical element, a white lustrous metal valued for its decorative beauty and electrical conductivity. Silver is located in Group 11 (Ib) and Period 5 of the periodic table, between copper (Period 4) and gold (Period 6), and its physical and chemical properties are intermediate between those two metals.