Silver has been making waves in the precious metals segment with renewed investor interest. Speculation is rife that the price of the white metal could rise significantly. Many investors have therefore resorted to investing in silver coins and silver bars (such as 1KG). However, in this article, we move away from the market mechanisms of silver and explore 15 popular quotes about silver that can lend a philosophical perspective.
“Our happiness is certainly mixed with the tragedies of life. You have to find the lemonade. You have to find the silver lining in the middle of everything that happens in life.” – Chandra Wilson
American actress Chandra Wilson reflects on life in this quote. She talks about the ups and downs that are experienced by everyone, as a part of life. She says that optimism and positivity are all about finding a silver lining in between those ups and downs. Source:
A large silver bar like this can be a great investment
“I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in Beverly Hills, but I was born with a great deal of self-worth.” – Yolanda Hadid
In the statement above, television personality Yolanda Hadid refers to the rich and famous as being born with a silver spoon. However, being rich doesn’t necessarily lead to self-worth. This is the essence of this hard-hitting quote. – Source:
“The air is of silver and pearl; the night is liquid with moonlight.” – Willa Cather
Willa Cather was an American writer who was born in the 19th century. She describes the beauty of nature in this quote by comparing the air to the soft and smooth texture of the white metal. Source:
“For in the true nature of things, if we rightly consider, every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver.” – Martin Luther
Martin Luther, not to be confused with Martin Luther King, was a German philosopher and key figure in the Protestant Reformation, who lived during the 15th century. In his thoughts above, he exemplifies the beauty of nature. He states that a green tree in its natural state is far more beautiful than a tree made of precious metals. Source:
“Gold and silver have always had value, never gone to zero. Can you say the same for stocks and bonds?” – Mark Skousen
“Education is the silver bullet to improve this nation’s standing worldwide…. and our teachers know that.” – Solomon Ortiz
In this case, Ortiz, a former US representative, speaks about America. But, the quote is relevant to all nations in the world. Indeed, education is clearly the most important building block of a nation. Source:
“Many gold and silver experts will recommend you buy numismatic coins – rare and old coins. If you are not a rare coin expert, I’d encourage you to stay away from them. New
investors often pay too much for rare coins that are not really rare.” – Robert Kiyosaki
Robert Kiyosaki is a financial expert who is famous as an author of the book ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’. The above statement reflects practical advice that any new gold coin or silver investor should follow, instead focusing on coins such as Silver Britannia coins. Source:
“If the people of Sheffield could only receive a tenth part of what their knives sell for by retail in America, Sheffield might pave its streets with silver.” – William Cobbett
An absolute truth! Manufacturers rarely receive even close to the final retail price for the goods they make. This quote goes back to 1830 and talks about how if Sheffield Knife Makers received the full price, they could pave the streets in silver! Source:
“The Moon is a silver pin-head vast, that holds the heaven’s tent-hangings fast.” – William R. Alger
This poetic line is extracted from a literary work known as ‘The Use of the Moon’, written in 1865 by William Alger. In the quote, the night sky has been referred to as ‘the heaven’s tent-hangings’, and the author visualises the Moon to be a silver pin that holds it all together. Source:
“Gold and silver, like other commodities, have an intrinsic value, which is not arbitrary, but is dependent on their scarcity, the quantity of labour bestowed in procuring them, and the value of the capital employed in the mines which produce them.” – David Ricardo
David Ricardo was a classical British economist who lived during the 18th and 19th centuries. Once again, the quote explains the factors that contribute to the intrinsic value of silver. Source:
Silver coins that are legal tender are capital gains tax exempt in the UK
“No lower can a man descend than to interpret his dreams into gold and silver.” – Khalil Gibran
Award-winning author Khalil Gibran talks about the futility of material desires, by saying that if a man only dreams about precious metals and wealth, he can stoop no lower. Source:
“Too many people miss the silver lining, because they’re expecting gold.” – Maurice Setter
Maurice Setter is a former English football player. In the sentence above, he alludes to the recognition of opportunity. He points out that many of us miss a good opportunity, simply because our expectations may be too high. Source: Kathleen J Shields
“Every silver lining has a cloud.” – Mary Kay Ash
This is an interesting reverse quote in many ways. Mary Kay Ash, founder of Mary Kay cosmetics points out that the contrary is also true. Thus, every great opportunity carries some element of risk. Source:
“Genius without education is like silver in the mine.” – Benjamin Franklin
Franklin, who needs no introduction, puts forth his thoughts on the value of education. He says, just like the value of silver can only be realised after mining, a person’s intellect must also be developed through education. Source:
“Nobody cares about the bronze or silver medals” – Buzz Aldrin
Here, astronaut Edwin Aldrin is possibly referring to himself as he was the second man on the moon. According to the quote, being first is everything. Source:
For the best silver advice, call Physical Gold
If you liked our collection of ‘silver’ quotes, please let us know. As a silver investor, you can benefit greatly by speaking to our investment team about the prospects of the white metal in the precious metals segment. Please call Physical Gold on (020) 7060 9992. Alternatively, you can also get in touch with the investment team through our website.
Investing in silver coins may be attractive, but there are certain important points we need to consider first. In this article we explore “Are silver coins a good investment?”
Size and investment options
Silver coins are available in a variety of sizes. Apart from the normal sizes up to an ounce, they are now available in larger versions of 10 ounces and 1 kg. There has been speculation in the market for a while that the prices of silver are likely to go up significantly. With the spot price currently hovering around £11 per ounce, there are great profits to be made if it rises threefold. The other reason that silver is attractive to investors is that it is 85 times cheaper than gold. Gold can be prohibitively expensive for retail investors. Silver offers access to the precious metals market at an unbelievable price point.
The industrial demand for silver
Silver has a huge industrial demand. It is widely used for the manufacture of electronics, computers, solar panels, and has a range of other industrial applications. Reducing supplies of the white metal has prompted investment experts to speculate about a possible hike in prices. If you are thinking of silver coins investment and taking a calculated risk on its price, you may have to wait for at least 3 to 5 years before you can get a reasonable return.
They can be a great investment if bought in the right way at the right time. Silver is significantly undervalued compared to historical levels, so a medium to long term holding is advised to maximise returns.
Silver coins can be a great investment if the right coins are chosen
Need for liquidity and buying coins which can be resold
Your investment is only as good as its liquidity. If you cannot take advantage of the right price point in the market by selling easily and quickly, the investment is useless. Therefore, always buy silver coins with a mass appeal and avoid purchasing obscure and rare coins. Well-known coins enjoy a vibrant secondary market, which makes it much easier to sell when the time is right. 1-ounce silver coins like the silver Krugerrand is an ideal choice.
How about collectable coins?
You may be able to extract better value from your investment if you choose a collectable coin. The premiums on these coins usually rise very quickly and investing in them can be an excellent strategy to get quick returns. Likewise, a popular coin like the 1-ounce silver Britannia makes an excellent addition to your investment portfolio. It ticks all the boxes for divisibility, liquidity and collectability. So, it’s evident that investing in silver coins can be a great idea as long as you plan properly and buy the right coins which are likely to meet your investment goals.
Understand purity levels
When choosing coins, purity is an important factor. Many silver coins are available with 95.8% purity. But, if you do your research well and choose a coin like the Canadian Silver Maple Leaf, you have a coin with 99.9% purity. There can be different strategies for choosing the right silver coins for your investment. Purity, divisibility, variety and value are important considerations.
Tax advantages and efficiencies
From a tax perspective, silver coins which are legal tender in the UK will automatically be CGT free.
Prior to the UK leaving the EU, Physical Gold were the only silver dealer in the UK who could provide VAT free silver. Post-Brexit this is no longer possible. Due to the following reasons though, we are able to sell silver coins and bars at similar “all in” prices to previous:
Free delivery – we can now provide free delivery, previously this was chargeable
Reduced product range – we now provide a reduced range of silver products. This means we have negotiated better prices for the products we supply, we pass this discount on to our customers!
The overall net result is that the price difference when you buy silver coins and bars the price difference even with paying VAT is negligible and certainly competitive with other UK dealers.
We also can now accept orders for mixed gold and silver purchases, whereas previously we could only process “silver only” orders to obtain VAT free silver.
Contacting Physical Gold for Advice
Please visit the Physical Gold website for more information on how to profit from your investment in silver coins. Speak to us today on 020 7060 9992, leave an instant message or complete our contact form. We look forward to being of service and support.
Investing in silver is the biggest area of growth in the precious metals market, but what is best to invest in, the debate rages on about silver bars versus silver coins. Silver is 85 times cheaper than gold so is accessible to everyone and tempts investors with speculation of huge potential gains.
Today, I’ll take a look at 4 key comparisons between the two to help decide which one suits investment better.
One of the key components of investing is getting the best possible purchase price for your asset in the first place. Certainly, 1oz silver coins are more expensive per gram than larger silver bars like 1kilo and 5 kilo silver bullion. If you’re simply focused on obtaining as much silver for your money as possible, then no doubt, buying big will achieve this. The cost of producing large bars is a far smaller percentage of the overall cost due to its scale and simpler design than coins.
However, coins are fighting back, many of the popular silver bullion coins are now also produced in 10oz and 1 kilo versions too, offering the chance to own silver coins at virtually the same price as silver bars.
Winner: Silver Bars
If you had the choice between buying one silver bar weighing 100 ounces or 100 one-ounce silver coins, then I’d generally recommend the coins for divisibility. Imagine a scenario where you’ve already bought your 100 ounces of silver and the market is moving up quickly.
When you choose to lock in some profit and sell, the large silver bar gives you one chance only. Once you’ve sold, your silver’s gone and you may miss further profits. With the silver coins, you’re able to drip feed the coins away, selling at various points to suit you.
The other scenario is if the financial system really does reach a breaking point. In that case, it would be far more practical to use your 1oz silver coins to barter for bread, milk and petrol than a 100 ounce bar.
Winner: Silver Coins
Next up is the practicalities of storing your silver investment.
For sure, silver bars are easier to store and take up less space. They’re larger and their rectangular size allows for simple silver stacking.
However, most of the popular 1oz silver investment coins can now be bought in monster boxes. These are specially designed storage boxes, tightly packing 500 coins at a time and permitting easy stacking of these boxes
The Royal Mint do not produce silver bars with a face value at present, so selling bars would be taxable. Now, that may not be an issue if your profits are under the tax threshold of around £12,000. But for many, looking to benefit from silver’s price potential, it’s perhaps not a risk worth taking.
Overall – bars or coins – which is the best investment?
So which type of silver investment wins overall? I’d recommend starting your silver investment with silver coins. Sticking to British coins provides good value, divisibility, tax efficiency and the chance to store in monster boxes.
But as you build your silver portfolio, there’s definitely a place for adding silver bars. This can bring the overall purchase cost per gram down by a few per cent and combine well in all areas with the silver coins.
If you found this video helpful, don’t forget we have loads more videos covering all aspects of gold and silver investing. Check them out here.
Invest in Silver Bars and Coins with Physical Gold
We’re the fastest growing dealer of silver coins and bars in the UK. Not only do we have a huge choice, but we also exclusively deliver the silver to your door! Combine this with live pricing and quantity discounts, it’s easy to see why we’re so popular for silver!
If you need advice or guidance about silver bars versus silver coins, or anything else! Then don’t hesitate to call a member of our expert team on 020 7060 9992. Alternatively, engage on our live chat on the website or leave us a message here.
Silver investing now and in the coming years
In this video, we’ll take a look at silver’s prospects for 2024 and beyond. Over the past 5 years, interest in silver has grown exponentially to the point where we now get almost as many silver enquiries as gold.
I’d like to start by looking at downside risk. The silver price has fallen from around £13 an ounce at the start of 2017, to £12.50/oz the following year, and nearer to £12 an ounce in 2019. Clearly, the prospect of owning a depreciating asset is unappealing.
Downside risk
However, unlike gold, silver’s demand consists predominantly from industrial use. As the world’s most conductive material, silver is used in most electronic components, solar panels, photography and medicines. The digital age is only going to develop over the coming years, creating new electronic demands on silver. The search for alternative energy will lead to increasing silver demand with electric cars and electric solar energy. So with industrial demand rising, downside risk to silver is minimal.
This theme may scare inexperienced investors, but this would suggest a buying opportunity in 2020 for silver. If you can lock in prices when the silver price is so low, your upside becomes magnified. The silver market is far smaller than that of gold, so prices can be more volatile. It also means that the price can move up in percentage terms far quicker and far greater.
The silver price could well receive a double boost over the coming years.
As well as the rising industrial demand, there’s plenty of uncertainty in the global economy to boost silver as a safe haven. 2019 and beyond marks a turn in the economic cycle. The middle of 2018 saw property prices begin to fall and global stock markets start to decline from their 9-year bull run. After nearly a decade of rising stock and property prices, the global economy is set for a big correction, especially with interest rates now on the rise. Throw in Brexit and a growing car leasing credit bubble, and safe havens could well become the flavour of the month once again. Gold will likely rise first, with silver following behind. But once silver starts its upward trend, the pace of increase will outstrip that of gold.
A lot of investors ask me whether they should buy gold or silver. After all the two metals are quite different. For me, there’s a strong case to own both. Diversification is key in today’s digital globalised economy, so investing in silver and gold is a great way to hedge your hedge!
CGT tax free
By sticking to Silver Britannia coins, any profit you make is also free from Capital Gains Tax!
Silver investing in 2024 with Physical Gold Ltd
So there you have it. 2024 and beyond are set to be exciting years for silver investing. Courage may be needed to enter a market which has fallen in value, but history will tell you, that’s the exact time to stack your claim.
If you feel silver could play a role in your investment portfolio, or you simply want to buy some silver coins or bars, then don’t hesitate to call our team of experts on 020 7060 9992.
Complicated jargon exists everywhere in life. Within the investment world, jargon can sometimes prevent you from understanding the details of the investment, or cloud key facts.
Some terminology stems from the historical use of words, while others seem convenient for financial advisors to validate their existence to explain these complications.
At Physical Gold, we believe in stripping back jargon to simplify what should really be very straightforward assets – gold and silver.
This video unravels a few select pieces of jargon which crop up time and again. For the full list of investment jargon busting, click here.
1. Bullion
This is one of the most widely used terms in the market but can refer to a number of things. Some people use the term as a blanket expression for non-numismatic gold. So any low-priced gold coins and bars. This tends to be when the price is the focus and suits those wishing to avoid paying premiums for more valuable older coins.
It can also be used to explain a certain type of coin production. Most of the main gold investment coins will be produced to a number of finishes, each with their corresponding price. Bullion finish is the most basic and cheapest finish, so is targeted at the investment market, where quantity and price are the primary focus. In contrast, proof finish coins, are struck 2-3 times when minted and offer a more detailed, albeit expensive finish.
Finally, the term bullion can be used to refer to gold or silver bars. Bullion is used interchangeably with bars and wafers to focus on this area of the market rather than coins.
My recommendation is to ask questions if it’s unclear which of these meanings is being indicated.
2. Alloy, purity, carat
Very simply, alloy denotes the mix of metals within a coin and ties in with a coin’s purity and carat. Investment grade coins will all be of a purity of at least 958 parts gold per 1,000. The terms carat and purity refer to the same thing. A coin of 958 per 1,000 purity is known as being 22 carat, while a coin of at least 995 parts gold or silver are referred to as 24 carat.
Alloys are used to toughen up a coin and minimise scratches. Some of the most common alloys in popular coins such as Sovereigns will be silver and copper.
One of the biggest misconceptions with carats and purity is that 24 carat coins are far better and more valuable than 22 carats. Looking at the Gold and Silver Britannia coin is a useful example.
Up until 2013, the Britannia was produced as a 22 carat coin. While it weighed around 34g in total, the gold or silver content was 31.103g (1oz). Coins produced after 2013 were minted as 24 carat coins. The newer coins still only contain 31.103g of pure precious metal and that is now also their total weight. So in other words, both coin purities still contained exactly 1oz of pure gold or silver.
3. Face Value
While this term is simpler to understand, its implications are crucial to precious metals investors.
When a coin benefits from having a face value, that means that the mint who produced the coin have actually allocated a face value in that country’s currency to the coin. This face value will be shown either on the front or back of the coin. In theory, that means you are legally allowed to walk into a shop in the relevant country and use the gold or silver coin to buy goods up to the face value.
Now, this may sound ridiculous because the face value of a Gold Britannia, for instance, is £100, while the coin’s gold content is worth ten times that. This is where the implications come in useful.
Any coin with a face value cannot be taxed for capital gains for residents of that country. In other words, if a UK investor buys £20,000 of Britannia coins and sells them 5 years later for £50,000, their profit of £30,000 is completely tax free!
4. Segregated
Next up is a term used in the storage of gold and silver. If you choose not to physically hold your coins or bars, then many dealers can offer storage solutions. But beware, not all solutions are the same.
If gold or silver is segregated, it means that it’s legally ring-fenced as yours. That means it isn’t mixed in as a pooled investment with other investors’ gold and crucially cannot be touched by any counterparty.
For investors seeking absolute security and minimal risk, segregated storage is the only way.
5. Premium
This final piece of investment jargon is bandied around when talking about the price of physical gold and silver. Rather than indicating a top end item, it refers to the spread over the gold or silver spot price of various coins and bars.
It’s important to understand that when buying any gold or silver, whether electronic or physical, you will always buy at a premium over the live spot price.
That premium varies according to a few factors.
Firstly, coins and bars trade at a higher premium than electronic gold and silver ETFs as they have to encompass production, design and delivery costs.
Secondly, the type of coin or bar will dictate the level of premium. Brand new mass-produced bullion coins are attainable at lower premiums, then rarer old gold coins.
Finally, quantity plays a large role in the premium. Buying one coin will cost a higher premium than buying 100 coins. Similarly, buying a small 5g gold bar will cost a higher premium than a huge 1kg bar.
Our team are here to make gold and silver simple
So there, you have it, 5 key pieces of jargon busted for you. Any dealer who cannot explain these, shouldn’t be used. Websites should clearly display live prices for various quantities of coins and bars, and each product should have a comprehensive description so you know what you’re buying. If you found this video helpful, be sure to check out 20 of our best video guides.
If you have questions regarding specific gold & silver investment jargon or are seeking guidance on how to invest, then our expert team are here to help. You can either call us on 020 7060 9992, engage on live chat or leave a call back request on our contact us page.
Gold & Silver Video Guides
If the content is queen for websites, then the king must be multimedia content! With this in mind, Physical Gold set out to create 20 gold and silver industry videos, related to questions and topics, we are frequently asked about relating to the gold and silver industry.
Precious metal investments need careful thought and planning. In this article, we will review 20 important educational videos that have been published by Physical Gold, one of the most reputed gold dealers in the UK. These videos are an excellent educational tool for experienced and new investors alike. Each section below provides a brief summary of the video and tells you why it’s worth watching.
We have published these on YouTube, so, why not click on any of the 20 videos below and learn what Daniel Fisher, the CEO of Physical Gold has to say on each of the topics.
Silver coins have steadily gained in popularity amongst investors. Learn about the value of buying 1oz silver coins, including the Krugerrand, Canadian Maple Leaf, Australian Silver Kangaroo, the UK Royal Mint’s Lunar series and annual Britannia coin. In this video published by Physical Gold, Daniel Fisher, CEO some valuable insights are shared as to why this coin denomination is great to add to a portfolio as well as the tax-efficiency benefits, which are available for UK residents.
This video guides investors on how to make the best decisions when buying 1-ounce silver coins. Daniel reveals his top five choices, with each selection based on a different investor objective. As a silver investor, the video is an excellent guide to making smart silver investments.
Sovereigns have been around for centuries and enjoy a vibrant secondary market. Of course, this provides excellent liquidity for your portfolio. Divisibility and flexibility can be achieved, as the sovereign is available as a quarter ounce coin. Sovereigns were issued through the reigns of different monarchs, creating excellent variety and easy availability. In this Physical Gold video, five important reasons are unveiled as to why sovereigns can be an important inclusion in your portfolio. Watch the video to learn more.
This video focuses on the fact that any investor thinking about buying silver should seriously consider buying the Britannia silver coin. An ideal low-priced 99.9% pure coin (since 2013) and are available with low premiums. The iconic image of Britannia is updated frequently, making it attractive to collectors. The silver Britannia is also available as a limited-edition proof set and in sets of fractional sizes.
The Britannia’s history is explored as well as investment potential, tax-efficient status as well as various options including proof sets and storage solutions. The video analyses several factors that make the silver Britannia a great choice for both collectors and investors.
The easiest way to purchase gold is to simply buy online. In this video, Daniel Fisher, CEO and founder of Physical Gold tells us how easy it is. The video walks buyers through five easy steps from creating a free online account on the website to adding products to your shopping cart and finally checking out. Daniel also explains the inherent advantages of purchasing gold online in the video.
Several iconic British coins were struck at the Royal Mint
Why buy gold bars rather than gold coins? This video reveals all and expands upon many of the benefits and the investment philosophy to adopt when buying gold bars. Listen here to some quality investment tips and how having a combination of bars with differing sizes, weights and quantities all make perfect investment sense!
The investor awareness video kicks off with an analysis of the reasons why people buy gold bars, followed by a lesson on how to choose the best bars. Investors should be equipped with good knowledge of buying gold bars after watching this video.
We could have written 55 reasons but limited ourselves to just five within this video! Daniel Fisher talks about how gold investments can protect you from exposure to global economic turmoil. Five compelling reasons are discussed in the video, including the impending possibility of a housing market crash. The thought-provoking video is a must-watch for every investor.
Investors are advised to buy the quintuple sovereign, as it’s a much bigger coin and provides greater value for money. Other strategies include buying nearly new used coins, waiting for a lull in the market and speaking to a dealer to buy a particular Sovereign when its price comes down.
Gold bars have their purity value inscribed on the face
This silver investment video addresses the confusion faced by investors about which silver coins to buy. In the video, Daniel Fisher, founder, and CEO of Physical Gold reveals his top five choices in silver coins. Analysts are predicting an explosive price rise for silver in the future, but which coins do you buy Daniel reveals all in this highly informative video, which selects five of the best silver coins, which can leave investors with no doubt as to which coins, they should buy. The list includes the legendary silver Britannia and Krugerrand. The Fiji 5 kg silver bar is also included as it has a face value.
Do you know your alloys from your carats Learn about these and other gold and silver industry jargon terms in this helpful video. Listen to understand what the terms mean and blast away any myths or misunderstandings from the crevices of your mind! This video is an excellent educational tool for investors and the general public alike!
The flagship coins of British coinage have always been the gold Britannia and Sovereign.
Do you like the idea of investing in Gold Britannias and Gold Sovereigns, but only have funds for one, so which do you choose Daniel answers all in this informative video, Daniel Fisher explains the investment rationale behind both gold coins based on five essential factors. Learn about both coins in terms of tax efficiency, liquidity, and other factors too!
Balanced it’s such a lovely word, especially when it’s used in the phrase “balanced investment portfolio”. Gold often plays a pivotal role in balancing a portfolio and providing portfolio insurance. In a ground-breaking video, Daniel Fisher, CEO of physical gold reveals seven great ways in which gold can play an important role in providing liquidity, hedging currency risks, and fighting inflation. By watching this video, you can learn how gold can help protect your investments during economic uncertainty.
The large gold bars seen in the movies are called ‘Good-Delivery’ bars and are used by central banks
There are so many different factors, which determine the value of a gold bar? So, how much is a gold bar worth? Find out by watching this video, which gives viewers the “lowdown” on the calculation process behind valuing gold bars and how this can be used to the advantage of informed, streetwise and “savvy” gold investors.
Is there a formula for investing effectively in gold coins and bars? Open your eyes to the world of gold investment by watching Physical Gold’s video “How to buy gold”. It sounds like an easy question to answer, but we explore “buying gold well” here and guide listeners through the steps to a healthy buying process. From finding a reputable gold dealer and discussing objectives to the eventual buying process, every step is explained in detail in this comprehensive, insightful video. Many think that gold is only for the extremely wealthy, but Daniel also explores more affordable monthly saving options too.
Do, you own some gold and want to realise the highest cash price for it? Of course, you do! Daniel Fisher explores the various techniques here and learns how to maximise your profits, with a particular emphasis on buying correctly in the first place. Are you intrigued to learn more about selling, then simply click on the video!
We know the answer to this question, but the video explores the often-asked question of should people invest in gold and silver Daniel guides viewers through the many reasons that investors should consider these precious metals and the contrast between investing in the two of them.
The silver Britannia is a truly iconic British coin
So, you have decided on investing in silver – but what suits your investment purposes better, silver bars or coins? Investors are hugely attracted to silver because it is 85 times cheaper than gold and holds the promise of rich dividends in the years to come. This illuminating video created by Physical Gold takes a look at four points of comparison between silver bars and coins. The video is extremely helpful for silver investors in making the right choice.
The Holy Grail of the gold investment market is the spot price. In this back to basics video, Daniel Fisher, founder of Physical Gold teaches investors how to stay abreast of the current gold price and analyse it. He also explains effective strategies and themes that investors can employ when planning their investments with a medium to long-term horizon.
The Gold Krugerrand is one of the best-known coins in the world
Why is gold priced per oz (ounce), what is the spot price and why is this so important Daniel discusses this and more in our final of 20 videos. If you haven’t watched any then watch this video, which is highly educational to investors, Numismatists, and quizzers alike!
About Physical Gold Limited
Physical Gold is a highly reputed precious metals broker in the UK. Please view the video links above to gain an understanding of the market. The Physical Gold investment team is always open to discuss your investment goals.
Physical Gold – YouTube channel
We hope you have enjoyed these 20 gold and silver videos? If so, why not view all of our videos at the Physical Gold YouTube channel? As a business, we believe in removing the “trade jargon” and hope that visitors will find our videos to offer sound advice and information.
Buying gold and silver from Physical Gold
We are only a phone call away on 020 7060 9992 or complete our contact form for a speedy callback. We offer competitive prices, a fine selection of gold and silver coins and bars all with our hassle-free customer-focused service.
At this time of year, most people are making either fitness, health or financial resolutions, so there’s a good chance that you’ll be considering a new year’s financial review for 2019. However, according to a report from the University of Scranton, only 8% of new year’s resolutions are maintained or achieved. So, we’ve outlined 5 ways to help you keep those New Year’s financial resolutions.
Reviewing your finances in 2019 is a great idea
1. Undertake a financial review of your current assets
The new year is a perfect time to take stock of your current financial situation, including cash holdings, savings, ISAs, pensions and loans etc., to help identify any areas for potential savings and improvements. You may decide that cash savings held in the bank, for example, are yielding very little interest and may be exposed to an increasing inflation rate in 2019. It’s important that this first task identifies whether your portfolio is diversified enough to protect against volatility and downturns. You can Take this Test to see how exposed your family’s assets are to further market downturns.
2. Be realistic and specific
Setting goals that are too vague or too challenging sets you up for immediate failure, which will probably mean you are likely to give up. Instead, think about smaller, specific financial goals that can provide you with a sense of achievement. It’s important to give yourself a timeframe, so you can measure your achievements, for example, within 3, 6 or 12 months periods.
3. Budgeting
Budgeting is one of the fundamentals of good financial planning. Keeping track of your income and expenditure each month makes it easier to set realistic budgets. Allocating your income in percentages can be a useful habit; for example, 20% for financial priorities, 30% for lifestyle spending etc. This enables you to save and treat yourself at the same time. At Physical Gold we offer a popular monthly saver account, which helps spread the cost of buying gold and also helps with your budgeting plans.
4. Look for tax-free and VAT-free alternatives
It’s not just your ISA that offers you a tax shelter for your investment growth. Rather than paying tax on investment gains, why not consider tax-free gold or silver coins. Make sure you research the best physical gold investment to ensure your gains are tax free and meet your objectives. It’s also never too soon to start planning for your retirement as, any money you put into your pension fund, will grow through the power of compound growth. Plus, you’ll also benefit from the tax relief. Pension Gold provides the opportunity to add gold bullion and balance to your UK SIPP.
Invest in tax free gold and silver with Physical Gold Limited
5. Track your progress
It’s worth financially reviewing where you’re up to on a regular basis, in line with the goals you set, so you can take appropriate action. Step back and consider your portfolio holistically. If you don’t currently own any gold or silver, now could be a good time to consider these, so as to provide balance and protection to your other assets.
Invest in gold and silver as a safe haven in 2019
With 2019 looking likely to continue with uncertainty and instability, especially with both the ramifications of Brexit this year, a new year’s financial review is the perfect opportunity to adopt some new financial habits. Gold and silver have for centuries been safe havens for investors in time of political and economic turbulence. Take a look at our Guide on investing in Gold or Silver for further information on the benefits of precious metals in today’s volatile markets.
Contact Physical Gold for support to your financial review
We know completing a New Year’s financial review can be gruelling, but it’s a very worthwhile exercise. Why not call Physical Gold today on 020 7060 9992 or contact us online for a call back. We are to help and can recommend suitable gold and silver products (from our coins and bars selections) based on your specific financial circumstances.
The day following Thanksgiving in the US is, of course, Black Friday and typically kicks off the official Christmas shopping season. If you thought that people only shopped for clothes, shoes and electronics, you’re wrong. It’s the festive season and a great time of the year to bring cheer to your loved one by buying precious metals. Historically, Black Friday has featured great sales of jewellery with discounts of up to 78.75% in past years.
Gold and silver are great gift ideas for Black Friday
Prices of gold and silver through 2018
The spot price of silver has fallen around 17% in the last year from around $17 per ounce to its current price of around $14.15. This makes silver an enticing purchase with many analysts believing that silver is now at its bottom price and will rise sharply in the future.
The spot price of gold has stayed in a much narrower range, being $1210 per ounce now, starting last November at $1275, rising to a peak of $1362 and a low of $1177. So, there’s been a 5% fall in prices over the year, which makes it also a good time to buy gold.
With 2018 drawing to a close, the focus is now on 2018 with the pundits coming out with their precious metals forecasts for the coming year
Black Friday gold and silver deals in 2018
A number of high street retailers as well as specialist dealers in gold and silver are expected to come forward with great offers for Black Friday – November 23rd, 2018. Goldsmiths have a great range of jewellery that they typically bring out with special offers for Black Friday. Jewellers, Ernest Jones have a range of offers on watches and jewellery on offer.
A trend that is likely to dominate Black Friday 2018 is mobile commerce. Shoppers in the UK are likely to spend more than £1.54billion on 23rd November 2018 – a growth of 13% year on year. Gold and silver retailers like John Greed Jewellery or The Jewel Hut will also join the action to get a share of your wallet during this event.
Ensure you know more before getting a Black Friday deal
Before you rush off and splurge on that Black Friday deal, convinced that it’s a no brainer, stop and think a while. If you don’t have prior experience in buying gold, perhaps you could benefit from our gold buying guide. If it’s silver, you’re after, not a problem.
Here at Physical Gold, we call our pre-festive sale ‘Gold Friday’, to reflect all the golden bargains we offer for a few days. In 2018, our Gold Friday sale runs from 7pm Thursday 22nd November to midnight Monday 26th November. Like last year we’ll be offering discounts off gold and silver coins and bars. Discounts will range from 1% on current year bullion products Best Value 100g Gold Bar, Best Value Sovereigns and Best Value Krugerrands, to up to 3% off Gold bars and up to 10% off more numismatic coins such as the Young Head Victoria Sovereign.
But please don’t wait until Monday night to pick up a bargain. All offers are subject to availability, and we anticipate some of the newly issued coins, and the biggest discounted coins and bars to go quickly. Also, don’t forget our buyback guarantee, which guarantees your right to sell gold and silver to Physical Gold.
Contacting Physical Gold
Whether you are reading this page during Black Friday 2018 or not, Physical Gold provide great prices for gold and silver bars and coins. Why not call us today on 020 7060 9992 or complete our contact form.
Investment in silver can be lucrative, due to market expectations of steady price increases. The current spot price of silver has been around $16.58 per troy ounce. There are analysts who believe that this price could soon be at $20. Still, others are bullish on the precious metal, believing that it could hit a high of $130 over the longer term. It may be worthwhile to note that there was a silver rally a few years ago when the spot price touched $50 in 2011.
Although, that high was a response to investors hedging their risks in order to move their money out of the global capital markets, which were in turmoil at that point in time. Well, whether you’re bullish on silver or not, investments in precious metals provide balance and stability to an investment portfolio. There are many investment advisors who recommend an asset allocation of at least 7-15% in precious metals, in order to hedge risks and balance the portfolio.
Silver Investment – Practical Steps to Consider Infographic
If you enjoy infographics, please read one we have published below relating to the silver investment. This is entitled “Silver investment – practical steps to consider” and covers a range of silver investment-related topics. These are also discussed in more detail directly below the infographic, so read this page to learn more about the different types of silver investment.
We appreciate the time you have taken to read the infographic and hope you enjoyed this appealing visual format. Please continue reading this page to learn more about silver investment strategies and approaches.
The growing interest in silver, but where to start?
The excitement for silver investing is growing, with the number of silver enquiries we receive on a monthly basis quadrupling over the past 3 years. As its popularity and demand has increased, so has the various ways to invest. But with so much choice, which type of silver investment is the best?
Types of Silver investment options
On a simple level, types of silver investment can fall into two broad categories;
Physical Silver
Paper & Silver-backed
Silver Bars are a great way of saving for retirement
Let’s look at each one of those in turn;
Physical Silver investment
As the name suggests, various physical silver investments are real, tangible pieces of silver which can be delivered or stored in a vault. One of the main advantages of physical silver investment is that there’s no counterparty risk involved. The silver has an intrinsic value according to its silver content so its value can never fall to zero. Access to the silver can be instantaneous if kept at home, so you’re not reliant on any third party transactions.
One of the major motivations to own silver as an investment is to hedge against market downturns and paper asset collapses, like 2008’s credit crunch. It makes sense then that physical silver most appropriately negates the very paper risk you’re trying to avoid.
1) Silver coins
Government minted silver bullion coins (such as silver Britannias) are one of the most popular physical silver choices.
The quality of coins is predictable with a refined and practised manufacturing process. Just as importantly, the coins features are always stamped onto the coin, such as purity, year of issue and face value.
Uncirculated coins are in perfect condition and can be bought at relatively low premiums due to mass production. Limited issue coins are also available which command higher premiums and can rise in value quicker than standard issue coins.
Generally, the cost of silver coins is slightly higher than the equivalent weight in silver bars due to their added collectability and divisibility.
Silver Bullion coins offer a high degree of flexibility
How about pre-owned silver coins?
While a vast majority of our silver coins are brand new, every now and again we feature a ‘pre-owned product’ or ‘best value coin’. This will simply be coins we’ve bought back from one of our larger customers. If you see these coins on our site, snap them up if you’re seeking tax-efficient investment value. Coins may be slightly tarnished from coming into contact with the oxygen in the air, but this doesn’t impact our buy-back cost. The largest challenge is that most customers buy and hold silver coins for the long term, so pre-owned coins don’t appear often and usually get snapped up quickly.
Pre-owned silver coins can cut prices further
Are pre-owned coins, junk silver?
The short answer is no. We won’t sell pre-owned silver coins if they’re damaged. The term ‘junk silver’ tends to refer to coins produced mainly by the US (pre-1965) and the UK (pre-1946) such as Crowns. Often silver purity is also far lower than the 99.99% we are used to today in bullion coins. Junk silver is regarded as too good to qualify as scrap silver. We don’t sell junk silver as our focus is on silver investment. We feel that junk silver is a specialized market on its own which requires far more seasoned silver buyers than the average customer. Its lack of standardised quality and condition introduces unnecessary risks into silver investment which can be avoided with high purity silver coins.
How about Silver rounds?
Silver rounds are similar to Government produced silver coins but tend to be privately minted and are missing the crucial face value. While they can be bought cheaper than silver bullion coins, they generally fetch less upon sale and most importantly don’t qualify as legal tender.
2) Silver bars
With silver’s low price, producing 1oz silver coins can lead to a relatively high production cost in percentage terms. In simple terms, a £1 cost of producing a 1oz gold coin may only be 0.1%, but the £1 cost of minting a 1oz silver coin is nearer 6%.
Silver bars though can be manufactured in far larger sizes, reducing the silver cost per gram and providing a convenient form of investment.
Which weights can I expect?
Weights can be denominated in both imperial and metric systems. Typically, the US sticks to the former, with Europe preferring the more modern grams and kilos. Sizes vary from diminutive 1oz bars, right up to 100 troy ounces, and from 100g through to 1kg and 5kg.
Like coins, silver bullion bars are well-regulated and standardised.
Silver bars are cheaper per gram than silver coins
Any recommendations on size?
One pitfall to avoid is simply buying the biggest bar possible for your money in a hope of reducing the silver price per gram as low as possible. While the largest bars are more cost-effective, it leaves the buyer with little room to manoeuvre. The investor is unable to liquidate small parts of their portfolio due to the inflexibility of the bars. The idea is to target the sweet spot between cost and liquidity. For that reason, it’s no surprise that 1kg bars are the most popular size.
“Silver investing in 2019 and beyond” a YouTube video from Physical Gold Ltd.
We exclusively sell silver bars at very competitive prices
Are these silver bars CGT free?
At the moment the answer is no. Because there are no UK face value silver bars, they’re not CGT exempt. Maybe this is something for the future, especially with the popularity of the non-UK ’coin bars’. But this doesn’t mean you’ll be taxed on any profits. Each UK resident is permitted an annual CGT allowance, currently £11k, which grows each year. That means you can sell your silver bars and pay no tax on any profit up to that amount. Tax is only applied to profits above your allowance. Not only that, but your allowance resets each tax year. So, selling some silver before April 5th and some after will entitle you to £22k of tax-free profits!
UK Self Invested Personal Pensions (SIPP). Silver bullion isn’t currently accepted. However, with the Government continually seeking to encourage more of us to save for retirement, the list of permissible assets will be reviewed. With silver amongst the highest growing asset classes, it will no doubt make it onto their radar.
3) Silver jewellery and silver grain
Obviously, silver jewellery can also provide a level of silver investment. For many years, precious metals lovers have been buying silver jewellery and benefitting from their value rising.
However, it’s important to understand that this is a very different challenge to investing in silver coins and bars.
What are the pros and cons?
The price of the item will also be significantly higher than the equivalent weight in silver coins or bars. That’s because jewellery is priced to reflect the design and beauty of the item. The problem is, this value is very much subjective. Only silver purity is standardised with silver jewellery. The rest is very much bespoke. This opens up the real possibility of paying over-the-odds for an item and just as importantly, not receiving your ‘perceived value’ when it comes to selling.
So, we should just avoid jewellery?
Certainly, as a silver investment, we stick to silver coins and bars. They provide a far more predictable, tax-efficient and cost-effective means of investing. However, don’t forget that jewellery should be worn and enjoyed, so it really can’t be compared like-for-like with silver bullion.
Silver can be enjoyed and used but is a less effective type of silver investment
..and silver grain?
Silver grain is small pieces of silver sold by weight. Premiums are low due to a lack of manufacturing cost, but it also reflects the fact that it doesn’t benefit from any of the tax efficiencies of coins and bars. The market for silver grain is also more focused on those wishing to use the grain to make jewellery, so liquidity for selling on your silver investment as grain is diminished.
Paper silver
Silver-backed assets and electronic silver investments have grown in variety over recent years, as more investors wish to actively trade the market. They provide lower cost ways of accessing the market as they avoid the cost of manufacture, delivery and storage.
However, the risks of these silver investments are different from owning physical silver.
1) Silver ETFs
Exchange traded funds (ETFs) can be linked to silver. Rather than take delivery of silver bullion, silver investors can buy units of the silver ETF. Participants can buy and sell at lower margins than with physical silver, but there will be brokerage fees to do so and annual management fees of the fund.
ETFs don’t offer the comfort of owning the physical silver in your hand which could prove significant as many funds are leveraged with only a small percentage of actual physical silver bullion backing the investment amount.
Those concerned about the value of fiat paper currencies may be disappointed that they never own any actual silver bullion.
2) Silver futures contracts
Buckle in, as this type of silver investment is only for the more sophisticated investor. For many, silver’s potential massive price gains are the main driving force, rather than market protection and insurance. Silver futures contracts provide a means for these people to speculate on the future price of silver.
While owning physical silver is about taking the risk away (and making great returns), investing in silver futures is certainly about taking the risk. But with great risk, comes great potential reward, and possibly in a short space of time.
So how does it work?
A large amount of ‘silver futures’ can be bought at a relatively low initial cost. The buyer agrees to buy a fixed amount of silver on a set future date, but speculators never opt to actually receive silver bullion when the date arrives. Instead, they simply settle the difference either way on the future date, depending on which way the market has moved. This is known as paying the margin. The minimum and maximum trading amounts depend on which exchange is used, with the most popular being the Commodity Exchange of the New York Mercantile Exchange (COMEX).
The added flexibility to futures and options on silver is that the investor can make money on the silver price going down as well as up. By ‘going short’ on a future or option, the participant is hoping they can buy the silver back (or settle their margin) for a lower amount on the future date.
Electronic types of silver investment can be far riskier
What are the risks?
While the leverage involved can magnify possible gains, it can also cause large losses. With many futures and options traders moving in and out of the market well before the ‘maturity’ of the future, it can be a rollercoaster ride. Speculation and volatility play a far greater role than investing in physical silver, with the real danger that you can lose your entire investment.
3) Silver mining stocks
Obviously, the process of silver being discovered and mined can also provide investment opportunities. Investing in silver mining shares is a completely different opportunity and risk profile again. While the silver price does play a role, the value of the investment is more closely linked to the individual mining company.
How does it work?
Just like buying and selling any stocks, an investor can own a share in a silver mining company. Unlike investing in physical silver, no actual silver bullion is ever owned, instead, the buyer has a paper share. These shares are easily traded on the market and buy/sell margins are low.
What are the risks and rewards?
These shares can outperform the silver price
if the particular company, you own a share of outperforms others. Equally, if the company has poor management, the investor could lose the entire investment if the mining company goes bankrupt. This can be a major factor when fixed costs such as oil rise but the silver price doesn’t. Profits become squeezed and sometimes mines temporarily close to save costs. Buying silver funds can reduce this dependence on one company by investing in a wider selection of mining corporations.
Which choice is right?
Each type of silver investment should be evaluated on its individual merits and how it best meets your objectives. We only focus on physical silver investments, as we’d prefer to be great at that than try to please everyone. Physical silver also sits most comfortably with our philosophy behind precious metals. We believe the very fact their physicality is rare, makes paper and electronic versions completely different assets altogether.
As a general guide, physical silver if bought in the right way (tax efficiently) best suits those seeking the ultimate reassurance of owning a physical asset, with no counterparty risks.
For those with sophisticated market experience and willing to adopt a higher risk to market timings by trading the market., then electronic silver proves popular.
Finding the right silver dealer
So, assuming that you are a keen silver investor, the next step in order to invest in silver is to identify a reliable silver broker. Our niche is to offer tax-efficient methods of silver investment to our customers.
Physical Gold has historically been a highly reputed online broker and investment advisor of precious metals. We are registered with the British Numismatic Trade Association (BNTA) and abide by their strict code of conduct. Our customer offerings are second to none and all deals available through our website are extremely transparent and provide investors with great value for money. All our products come with a certificate of authenticity, as well as a buyback guarantee.
Getting started
If you’ve decided which type of physical silver investment you’re after, simply open an account on our website, find the best deals on offer from the website and add these to your shopping cart.
Call us to discuss your silver buying options
Our team of investment advisors are ever ready to help you select the best silver buying option for you. Call us now on 020 7060 9992 or get in touch with our team online in order to discuss investment strategies, choice of product categories and the best product deals. We also sell a massive range of gold products too including gold bars and gold coins.
In a previous article, we brought you ten amazing Flickr images of gold. Some years ago, gaining access to images about specialised topics was not easy. First of all, in order to produce high-quality images, you needed expensive cameras with special lenses and a whole lot of other photography equipment like lights, tripods, etc. This could easily cost you thousands of pounds and it wasn’t the kind of money you would spend if you were simply a hobbyist.
All that changed with the advent of new camera technology. Today, a mobile phone camera like the one on your smartphone right now harnesses the power of a really expensive camera from yesteryear. The other thing that we must consider is that it’s really easy to operate that high-quality camera on your phone when compared to the complicated operating procedures that came with specialised SLR cameras from the past. Back in the day, there were special courses that people took to learn how to get the most out of their recently acquired equipment.
Now, that’s all changed. Just press a single button and you’re done. This has resulted in ordinary day to day people being able to click high-quality images while they’re on the move and simply upload them and share them instantly from their phones. Therefore, we have libraries of user-generated images that can now be used in presentations, websites and other publications that are free to share with the world.
In this article, we’ll explore some of the best images taken and shared by users via the image sharing website Flickr.
1. Commemorative silver coin for the FIFA world cup in Brazil
Silver coin commemorating the FIFA world cup in Brazil
The FIFA world cup in Brazil took place in 2014. The limited-edition silver coins were released by Brazil to commemorate the most important event for world football and one side of the coins feature the image of the cup with a goal featured on the obverse. 12,000 silver coins were released at the time. Sadly, the host country was defeated 7-1 by Germany in the semi-finals.
American silver dollars carried the inscription ‘In God We Trust’ since the civil war
Kevin Dooley’s Flickr image of a silver dollar explores the history behind the inscription ‘In God We Trust’. Apparently, the words were included on the coins at the time of the US civil war in order to appease religious sentiments during the war. Since then, the motto disappeared for a while and then appeared again on US coins. Since 1908, all gold and silver dollars carried the slogan.
3. Dutch silver medal – Synod of Dort
This amazing image uploaded on Flickr shows a satirical silver medal created to commemorate the refusal of John Uytenbogaard who was a pastor to appear before the Synod of Dort. The Dutch silver artefact dates back to 1619. The image on the medal depicts a hand that seems to appear out of the clouds, holding grapes directly on top of a press intended for pressing grapes. A vineyard is depicted, and God’s name is shown in the clouds.
The Synod of Dort silver medal dates back to 1619
4. Silver coin from Armenia – 500 drams
Eric Golub’s image is spectacular due to its unusual background
This Flickr image features an image of 500 drams silver coin from Armenia. The image was uploaded by Eric Golub in September 2014 and has an unusual background, along with a blue luminescent effect that makes it an amazing picture on Flickr.
5. Silver lockets
Lockets made of silver have an irresistible natural lustre
Becky Stern’s stunning image of silver lockets on Flickr goes to prove
how beautiful silver jewellery can be. Silver’s smooth shine and lustre make it a perfect choice among precious metals for jewellery. This image was shot with an Olympus E-P2 camera and uploaded in 2011. The image was taken at the Renegade Crafts fair in New York and shared on Flickr.
6. Celtic silver torque – a historic artefact
Silver jewellery comes in all shapes and sizes. However, this image of an ancient Celtic artefact was taken with a Panasonic DMC – LX2 camera at the Historic Museum of Bern. The image was uploaded by photographer Xuan Che on Flickr in 2009 and is available to all. The historic significance and the starkness of the image make it a great image on Flickr.
This ancient Celtic silver artefact and its amazing detail make it a great image
7. The founder of cup noodles
Well, we’ve all had instant noodles and cup noodles at some point in time during our lives. But how many of us actually know who the founder of instant noodles was? Taken by photographer Ogiyoshisan using a Nikon E7900 camera, this image is of a silver statue at the cup noodle museum in Yokohama, Japan. The statue depicts Momofuku Ando, the inventor of instant noodles and cup noodles.
Momofuku Ando, the founder of instant noodles
8. Tibetan silver butter bowl
This stunning photograph on Flickr is that of a silver Tibetan butter bowl. The 19th-century masterpiece shows a dragon and phoenix on its sides. There are further decorations on the foot stand of the bowl. It is possibly an artefact used in certain religious ceremonies.
This highly detailed 19th-century silver artefact from Tibet is a masterpiece
9. Gilded Byzantine silver vase
Yet another stunning piece of history is depicted by this image of a gilded silver vase. This silver vase shows a grape harvesting scene and it is thought to be a common theme of art during the Sasanian and Byzantine period, which places this vase around 5th to 7th century AD. The harvesting theme symbolised fertility and eternal life.
This lovely Byzantine silver vase could date back to the 5th century AD
10. Vintage silver cigarette lighter
This ornate silver table top cigarette lighter dates back to 1947. It is 4.5 inches tall and was made by the Ronson lighter company at the time. The image was taken with a Polaroid camera and uploaded on Flickr in 2017.
A 1947 silver cigarette lighter is yet another example of a work of art
Call our silver experts to know more about investing in silver
When we view these images of silver on Flickr, we are often seriously attracted to buying silver. Since the precious metal is not as expensive as gold, it makes a great buy and regular purchase can soon see you holding a formidable portfolio of physical silver. To know more about investing in silver call our team on 020 7060 9992 or contact us via our website. With a little bit of guidance from our team, you could own some great pieces of silver in no time.
Live Gold Spot Price in Sterling.
Gold is one of the densest of all metals. It is a good conductor of heat and electricity. It is also soft and the most malleable and ductile of the elements; an ounce (31.1 grams; gold is weighed in troy ounces) can be beaten out to 187 square feet (about 17 square metres) in extremely thin sheets called gold leaf.
Silver Information
Live Silver Spot Price in Sterling.
Silver (Ag), chemical element, a white lustrous metal valued for its decorative beauty and electrical conductivity. Silver is located in Group 11 (Ib) and Period 5 of the periodic table, between copper (Period 4) and gold (Period 6), and its physical and chemical properties are intermediate between those two metals.